Saturday, April 22, 2017

Watermelon Plant Care - Part I

Watermelon Plant Care - Supplementary fertilization purposes are to stimulate the growth of plants that can grow optimally. Based on how the administration, supplementary fertilization consists of two kinds, namely foliar fertilizer and manure roots.

1. Leaf Fertilizer

Foliar fertilizers used can be either a powder or a liquid fertilizer, provided that levels of certain macro elements in accordance with the requirements of watermelon plant (Levels of N-P-K filings). The content of microelements in each brand is almost the same, then the brand of fertilizer used can be of any brand.

Please note that the content of foliar fertilizers has macro elements (elements Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) levels are different on each trademark. Therefore we have to choose one brand of fertilizer that has a macro element content according to the needs of watermelon plant.
Examples of types of foliar fertilizer that can be my friend use to plant watermelons are:

* Foliar fertilizer is solid (a powder or flour):
- Gardasil - Vitabloom - Topsail
- Complesal - Hyponex - Shell foliar

* Liquid Foliar fertilizer:
- Wuxak - Bayfolan - Complesal

In addition to containing macro elements, foliar fertilizers on the market also contain microelements at once. But some contain an element of a macro or microelements only.

For facilitates the work, you should choose a foliar fertilizer containing trace elements at the same time the macro elements. By doing so we can buy one type (brand) of fertilizer. When we buy a foliar fertilizer containing only one of the earlier elements. then we have to buy two types (brand) fertilizer and should we intervene in order to be used as a foliar fertilizer.

2. Fertilizer Root

Fertilizer use by way of our roots mixed with water sprinklers. In this way, the nutrient needs can be provided with enough earlier. But because before planting we have done basic fertilization, then we just stayed keep from basic fertilizer nutrient content was discharged absorbed by plants.

Watermelon Plant Care - Once we understand about foliar fertilizer and insecticide-fungicide, then we have to understand next is how to use these materials. In practice, in addition to the three materials, there are still other drug ingredients that need to be my friend use, namely:
  • Plant growth regulator (PGR - Sensitiser grow). Can use various brands of similar drugs, for example, Atonic, A bitonic, dek Amon, Sando Vit and others.
  • Grading and adhesive materials. Can use various brands of similar drugs, for example, Agrestic, Sando Vit, Agra, ten sticker, and others.
  • Micro fertilizer (Pm) is a liquid: Micro fertilizer we use to add micronutrients in plants. Micro fertilizer use only a few times in each period of planting, because we use foliar fertilizers also contain microelements. But if we use foliar fertilizer containing trace elements have not, then these micro fertilizers need to be added more frequently. Examples of micro fertilizer: Multi micro, metallic.
At each planting, the period should be arranged with the full crop spraying schedule for the type of drug used. In this way, we can adjust the rotation of medicinal use of materials.

We deliberately recommend using 3 types of insecticides and fungicides on a periodic schedule spraying plants. The aim is that in the case of immune drug substance by pests and certain diseases is still no backup other drugs that can be used. Actually, when spraying the pest and disease prevention drugs we do regularly, for example, follow the above schedule, it is almost certain growing areas we are free from pests and diseases.

Drugs that we have appropriate servings of each dose, then we dissolve until well blended. Then we spray using knapsack sprayer (for growing areas are relatively narrow) or diesel powered spraying machines (for wide planting area). Spraying can be done in the morning or afternoon.


Watermelon Plant Care - Watermelon plant watering needs are relatively dependent on environmental conditions and local weather. So it can not be made a watering schedule as well as the schedule for spraying crops.  According to a large number of waters and how irrigation, watering watermelon plants are divided into two groups, namely:

1. Watering lightly
Watering lightly given to the plant, if the planting hole visible in situ soil drought. Though the soil around the planting area still looks pretty wet. The amount of water used to flush as much as 1-2 liters for each plant. Watering can be done by using a bailer or sprinklers other crops like hype. At the time of watering like this, you can add fertilizer roots.

2. Watering Bulk
Watering is done when the conditions thus planting area was dry land. Thus watering done by opening the inlet canal water from the sewer to the place of investment, until the water flooded the place of investment, to achieve high three-quarter beds. Then the water is allowed to seep into the ground exhausted. without opening the drainage channel. Watering is thus absolutely necessary by the plant. If we cultivate the land do not get enough water, the plants will grow less than perfect. The resulting fruit will slow its development. Until finally the fruit will be chopped into small pieces or less dense flesh (brittle). Instead of excessive water will make the roots and plants to rot and eventually die.


The growth stems (vines) and primary lateral branches need to be set and we confine such a way that the fruit produced good quality. If my friend wants larger fruit, can my friend try to maintain a maximum of 3 or 4 pieces only candidate in each plant, each of which is located on the lateral branches and two candidates fruits on the main stem?

The branches that are growing, after being selected from the 2 best existing lateral branches, branches which if not used my friend can trim it with scissors, left over 5 cm of the main branches. Excessive pruning branch destination is to force the plant to focus its internal energy results for the development of the fruit. Pruning branches/vine plant needs to be done.

Watermelon Plant Care - Candidates selected pieces that will be maintained from the candidate most excellent fruit. Buddy try to choose candidates for the fruit that looks uniform, looks beyond perfect and fresh and not wrinkled; his prospective layout of the main stem base ranges between 70 cm. Remaining candidates who were not selected fruit, we waste by cutting the fruit stalk on the part attached to the candidate fruit to avoid damage to the stem.